As a KiDCoDEa sarkasm and cynicism fan, i allways hold one eye on my idols.
Relating to this Video it looks like, the history books have to be rewritten this X-Mas .
I had 2 Installations . One in G and one in F. They shared a programm folder in Start/programms folder ( LFS and LiveforSpeed ). By de-installation from F (last one) it erased the complete Programm folder under Start/programms, so there is now no De-installation for the other Lfs installation in G: (?left/remaining?) .
+ there is a typo in the Deinstallation screen (Symbole and Smybole)
I think the Lfs "fresh" install looks horrible with his default mip bias settings.
This would be the first thing i would change, as a new user. ( but maybe only, if he find the options button before the uninstall option :shrug
So, the non present of horizontal-span seems not to be an argument against vista or 7 ?
I play LFS with two Monitors in (21.5" and 19") with 2560x1024 Resolution and never ever will miss this feeling.
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